The authors of this work have verified all information with reliable sources to ensure that it is complete and in accordance with accepted standards at the time of publication. Possible human errors or changes in medical sciences, neither the authors, nor the publisher, nor any other person involved in the development of this work, guarantee that all of the material contained herein is accurate or complete and are not responsible for errors. or omissions that may arise from them. The reader should take special care when reading the drugs and clinical situations about which various guidelines are noted or that are the subject of controversy. The opinions expressed represent only those of the authors, without denying validity to others that may differ from those of the authors. the same.


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The author agrees to freely, voluntarily and gratuitously assign the rights of the work to the publisher. Transfers all rights of reproduction, transformation, public communication and distribution and sale of the work electronically or in any of the modalities, forms or media currently contemplated by law. With this assignment, you accept and undertake the following obligations and responsibilities:

The authors acknowledge that all of the graphic material used by them in this work is original and the image rights have been transferred by the interested parties. The authors respond to the editor for the authorship and originality of the work and for the peaceful exercise of the rights that they transfer, stating that they have not contracted nor will they contract commitments or encumbrances of any kind that violate the rights that the publisher or third parties have. correspond to you. In this regard, the authors are responsible to the publisher for all pecuniary charges that may arise for the publisher in favor of third parties due to actions, claims or conflicts arising from non-compliance with this clause by the author.

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In accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the consolidated text of the Intellectual Property Law and Law 23/2006 modifying the same, and regardless of the rights that assist the authors, the publisher, as exclusive assignee of the exploitation rights, may prefix the © symbol to its name in each and every copy of THE WORK published, in any form or modality, with precision of the place and year of publication. this. Likewise, the editor reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear in the work, without there being any obligation to notify or inform the author, with publication being understood as sufficient.
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The editor will always try to achieve the highest scientific quality in the published work. A supervised correction of scientific text will be carried out with the assistance of an advanced language model.

What is intellectual property? Any creation of the human mind will be associated with a right of ownership or possession by its creator that corresponds to intellectual property. This protects the rights of all authors of any work, whether scientific, artistic or literary, and includes industrial property rights, which cover patents, trademarks or inventions. It is a right recognized in article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This intellectual property gives the creator the power, by moral right, to identify that work as his or her own. Therefore, intellectual property on the Internet is the right, recognized by law, of a creator regarding the decision-making regarding his work or the transfer of the rights thereof, regarding the publication and dissemination of his work on network.
Types of intellectual property. Issues arising from copyright are currently regulated by an organization belonging to the UN, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO or WIPO in English), whose predecessor is the Treaty of Berne, signed in 1886. The law that applies in Spain derives from the European Directive, which is based on the approaches of said body. In Spain, copyright is legislated in Royal Decree-Law 12/2017, which modifies the Intellectual Property Law or L.P.I. (Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12). According to the WIPO, the European Directive and Royal Decree-Law 12/2017, intellectual property is related to creations of mind and to protect them, two categories are recognized: 
Industrial property rights. It encompasses creations such as patents, trademarks and industrial designs. 
Copyright. It protects literary and artistic works, defending the rights of an author over their works. The law protects you just for having created, without the need to register the work or go through a process to enjoy your rights, the most significant of which include moral rights. It allows the author to identify the work as theirs, protects their non-financial interests and is divided into 4 aspects: 
The author of a work may decide whether or not it can be disclosed and in what way.
Determine if you want to be mentioned, use a pseudonym or if you prefer to remain anonymous during the dissemination of the work.
You may demand recognition of your authorship. 
Demand that the integrity of the work be respected, preventing any modification or alteration of it that goes against your interests.